Dizzy O'Dare: The Tiny Travelling Tightwire Show

Dizzy O'Dare, The Tiny Travelling Tightwire Show

Join the procession as The Tiny Travelling Tightwire Show! rolls into town! Watch Kennington and his assistant Poppet the Puppet as they chance their feet on the tightwire.

This is a fun and entertaining, roaming tightwire show for all ages. The low tightwire on wheels is pulled by a vintage tricycle, which stops to perform the show.

Looking for

Tour dates: Throughout 2013

Technical specifications

Brief description of set:
The set is a mobile low (3m long) tightwire on wheels pulled by a vintage tricycle. All audio and equipment is incorporated into the set up, so the show is completely self sufficient. To perform the company need a small open space at approx 4m wide by 6m (enough space to turn); they wheel the set in and out – this is how the show starts and finishes. The show has been performed indoors, but needs a large, flat area with good access for wheels, to wheel in and out.
Min dimensions: 4.0m wide, 3.0m deep, 2.5m high
None - self sufficient free-standing tightwire.
Lighting plan:
Crew on tour:
Get in / get out:
30 mins get in / 30 mins get out