Mimbre: Without A Story

England's heritage, from Shakespeare to Oscar Wilde, says that story is everything. We try to justify the importance of circus by giving it a story, but sometimes this kills the full potential of circus. Sometimes our best tricks have to be sacrificed because they don't suit the story. Sometimes story and tricks get forced to live together when they actually don't fit. Sometimes we tell our audience what they see, instead of letting their imagination be the power.

Using the structural principals of storytelling, but without forcing a pre-set narrative, Without A Story uses a minimal set, minimal tech and maximal skills in presenting the beauty and grace, the tensions and devotion of the circus performer. Without A Story allows the body to talk and the audience to make their own connections.

Looking for

Support: The company are looking for co-commissioners and expressions of interest for bookings for autumn 2014.

Technical specifications

Brief description of set:

Mimbre are looking into how minimal they can make the requirements in terms of space and technical needs, and currently are looking at using circus skills that are not dependent on rigging – but this will be confirmed once casting is done, and the company welcome feedback from venues regarding capacity for rigging and size of stages. Careful and thoughtful lighting will be the piece's concession to effects – but again achieved through minimal means. Without A Story will be as close to a black box production as circus can get.

Lighting plan:
Get in / get out:
3 hours get in / 30 mins get out