• The Circulation of Street Arts and Circus Artworks in Europe – 2011

    The Circulation of Street Arts and Circus Artworks in Europe – 2011

    Following on from a previous study conducted in 2006 that took a statistical measure of the health of 66 circus and street arts companies (annual income, number of employees, level of subsidy, etcetera), The Circulation of Street Arts and Circus Artworks in Europe – 2011 collects the same quantitative data from some of the same companies (21 had either closed down or didn't reply) to get an idea of how their situations have changed in light of the global economic crisis. The years compared are 2006 and 2010.


    Still thriving

    Analysis of companies

    1. Home countries of companies
    2. Longevity of companies
    3. Annual income
    4. How companies acquire their money
    5. Staffing
    6. Analysis of shows performed
    7. Income levels from selling shows
    8. Specific marketing issues related to selling work internationally
    9. Financial help for touring
    10. Companies difficulties with international touring
    11. Greatest obstacles to increasing international touring
    12. Suggestions for improvements

    Touring shows available

    1. Number of shows
    2. Longevity of shows
    3. Pricing of shows
    4. Amount of touring
    5. Use of text
    6. Analysis of changes


    Companies participating in the updated survey