• Postcards From Street Arts and Circus

    Postcards From Street Arts and Circus

    One of the outputs of the CASCAS (Circus and Street Arts Come and See) project, which saw four groups of industry professionals tour the circus and street arts scenes in the UK, Sweden, Finland and Belgium, Postcards From Street Arts and Circus is a short, pamphlet-length book written by the researcher Yohann Floch, who accompanied the tours in all four countries.

    The book, which is distributed free of charge by CASCAS in print and electronic formats, is a sort of companion piece to the four national guides CASCAS published in the lead-up to the tours (available in PDF form); it's more personal, more detailed and selective, but it serves a similar role as a useful overview covering some of the key figures, institutions and projects in the four countries, with the addition that it makes relational and comparative observations between different national scenes.

    In very broad terms, the book divides into chapters on youth circus, artistic work, venues, festivals, and policy, interspersed with testimonials from other participants in the CASCAS tours.


    Postcards in Solidarity
    Postcards From Future Generations
    Postcards From Artists
    Postcards From Venues
    Festivals: Postcards On Their Way
    Postcards to Policy Makers