As part of the European residency project Unpack the Arts, ten cultural journalists visited Subcase in Stockholm 13-16 February 2013 to encounter (in some cases for the first time) the many faces of contemporary circus. Seeing five shows – Los Galindos' Maiurta, Chipmunk Forge's Phågel, Ruby Rose's EAT IT!, Patrik and Wes' Between Someonesons and Cirkus Cirkör's Knitting Peace – and interviewing the artists after their performances, the journalists then wrote the articles collected here – published in the original language and in English translation.
Donald Hutera, 'Unpacking the Circus Arts'
Eric Smits, 'Look at me'
Eva Pomares, 'Captivating the Impossible'
Ivan Jovanovic, 'Traditional and Modern Circus: Differences and Connections?'
Matti Linnavuori, 'Girls shake off'
Nathalie Allard, 'Opposites Attract'
Nela Lazarevic, 'Special effects of the body - contemporary circus from trying to impress to trying to express'
Nina Jääskeläinen, 'Talking about circus'
Orsolya Bálin, 'Dare to be Imperfect'
Sally Stott, 'Prophets with Red Noses'