As part of the European residency project Unpack the Arts, ten cultural journalists visited two festivals in Belgium, Hors Pistes & La Piste aux Espoirs, 28 February - 3 March 2013 to encounter (in some cases for the first time) the many faces of contemporary circus. Seeing five shows – Karl Stets' Cuerdo, David Dimitri's L'Homme Cirque, Carré Curieux's Le Passage, Claudio Stellato's L'Autre and Jean-Paul Lefeuvre's Ni Omnibus – and interviewing the artists after their performances, the journalists then wrote the articles collected here – published in the original language and in English translation.
Bruce Dessau, 'Humour and Circus'
Cesc Martinez, 'Circus Poetics'
Eeva Kauppinen, 'Circus Jumped into the Box'
Filip Tielens, 'Risk in Circus'
Jasna Coce, 'The Unpack the Arts Residency and Two Circus Festivals in Belgium'
Judit Csaki, 'Circus Theatre, Circus Actor'
Merja Koskiniemi, 'Embodiment in a Circus Performance'
Mette Garfield, 'The Invisible Other, The Blind Support'
Rosie Trump, 'Things Are Not What They Seem: Object and Expectation in Circus'
Zita Sandor, 'Showbiz's Lonely Friars'