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    Women & Circus


    Ivan Kralj, 'Circus vs. Conservative Postulates: Woman is not Destined to be Miraculous'

    Magali Sizorn, 'Female Circus Performers and Artification: the Passage to Art and Its Implications'

    Anne Quentin, 'From Traditional to New Circus: Women's Place and Aesthetics'

    Peta Tait, 'Legendary Performances: Gendered Outrage in Australian Circus (Oz)'

    Janet M. Davis, 'Brazen, Bare, Beautiful and Bearded: Circus Women and the Making of Modernity'

    Yoram S. Carmeli, 'At the Circus Backstage: Women, Domesticity and Motherhood, 1975-2003'

    Jana Drašler, 'Taming the Pain: Female Body in Circus Performance'

    Jessica Kendall, 'On the Move; women in and out of the international circus ring'

    Valérie Fratellini, 'White Clown without His Auguste'

    Camilla Damkjaer, 'The Roperesentation of Gender'

    Rose English, 'Heavenly Horses & Exquisite Equestriennes'

    Laura Herts-Gladys, 'Crash-In'

    Nataša Govedić, 'Coiling in First Person Singular: Circus, "Circumfession" and Autobiography with Angela Laurier and/as Jacques Derrida'

    Cirkusije / Circussions, 'Circus Identities Behind the Veils'