• European Circus Charter for Hosting Circuses in Towns

    European Circus Charter for Hosting Circuses in Towns

    Developed by a large European working group, the European Circus Charter for Hosting Circuses in Towns lays out a model of good practice to which local authorities, circuses and other hosts can subscribe. It divides into four parts: How to host a circus?, Location, Installation, and Performance, colour coding its recommendations to distinguish between circus and local authority commitments.



    1. Circus arts today
    2. Objectives of the European Circus Charter

    How to host a circus ? Recommendations

    1. Hosting procedure

    1.1 - Application by the circus
    1.2 - Acceptance by local authorities
    1.3 - Formal agreement

    2. Location

    2.1 - The overall state and configuration of the site
    2.2 - Quality of the ground
    2.3 - Access to the host area

    3. Installation

    3.1 - Information on existing networks and access to networks
    3.2 - Facilities at the hosting area
    3.3 - Access to the host area

    4. The performance

    Working group members