Published by ACE in 2005 following changes in licensing regulations, this guide provides information and advice on how the legislative changes affect those working in circus and street arts (and the local authorities that host them), giving two sample licenses.
Part one: the guide
When licences are needed
Types of licences and permissions
Checklist for getting a premises licence
Checklist for getting a provisional statement
Checklist for getting a personal licence to sell alcohol
Checklist for giving temporary event notices
Objectives behind the law
The role of local councils
Street art festivals, fairs and circuses
Applying for a premises licence
Provisional statements
Making changes to premises licences
Licence conditions
Temporary event notices
Getting a personal licence
Performing before the committee
Table of fees
Contact details
Sample premises licence application for street arts festival
Sample premises licence application for circus
Appendix 1: When licences are needed
Appendix 2: Procedures at licensing committees
Appendix 3: Enforcement
Appendix 4: Reviewing premises licences
Appendix 5: Appeals procedures
Part two: a sample licence for street arts festival
Part three: a sample license for circus
Part four: appendices and glossary
Appendix 1: When licences are needed
Appendix 2: Procedures at licensing committees
Appendix 3: Enforcement
Appendix 4: Reviewing premises licences
Appendix 5: Appeals procedures