As part of the European residency project Unpack the Arts, ten cultural journalists visited Humorologie festival in Kortrijk-Marke, Belgium 27-30 June 2013 to encounter (in some cases for the first time) the many faces of contemporary circus. Seeing six shows – Are you in town?'s Jump or Fall, Cie Pol & Freddy's Le Cirque Démocratique de la Belgique, Gandini Juggling's Smashed, Cie 111's Sans Objet, Cirk La Putyka's La Putyka, Los Galindos' Maiurta – and interviewing the artists after their performances, the journalists then wrote the articles collected here – published in the original language and in English translation.
Adolfo Rossomando, 'Le Cirque Démocratique de la Belgique'
Andreea Stiliuc, 'The Essence of Circus: Between the Fairy Dust of Memories and the Vitality of (Re)invention'
Elīna Cire, 'Vitamins for a Contemporary Mind and Heart'
Helen Babbs, 'Adventures in Space: Exploring the Architecture of Contemporary Circus'
Katalin Szemere, 'Objects with Recycled Meaning'
Katharine Kavanagh, 'Circus is Dead! Long Live Circus!'
Katri Kekäläinen, 'Subjugated Women, Complicated Bodies and a Human Machine'
Laura Dodge, 'An Exploration of Ballet, Circus and Art'
Seda Niğbolu, 'A Stage for a New Body: Pop and Circus Culture'
Zvonimir Peranić, 'Can Robots be Artists?'