The Wellcome Trust is a (huge) charitable foundation that supports biomedical research and the medical humanities. As well as supporting all branches of academic research, the Trust has an ongoing grant programme to support artistic projects that integrate 'biomedical scientific input' (with this often taking the form of an artist/group working on a project with the collaboration of one or more scientific advisors).
The Trust's Small Arts Award programme therefore makes grants of up to £30,000 available for artists, scientists, curators, filmmakers, writers, producers, directors, academics, science communicators, teachers, arts workers, education officers and others looking to create a new artistic work. Projects that are not eligible for Arts Award support include 'health promotion, education or campaign projects, arts projects for therapeutic purposes, factual documentaries, work that is purely illustrative, and projects dealing with non-biomedical sciences'.
The Trust also has a Large Arts Awards scheme (for projects asking for more than £30,000) that's aimed principally at established organisations with an existing relationship with the Trust.