The New Nordic Circus Network, which collects partners from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland, has announced its next big project: Nordic Circus Year 2011.
NCY 2011 is a broad and ambitious year-long development programme to raise the profile of Nordic contemporary circus at home and abroad, to interlink and partner networks and organisations, and to research and formulate an invincibly strong argument with which to lobby cultural policy-makers. Check the NNCN website for more information.
A key event in the NCY will be the Nordic Circus Market Day, a one-day showcase/market for Nordic artists and companies, taking place 6 May 2011 and coinciding with a meeting of Circostrada members at Festival Cirko. Participants will have the opportunity to hawk promotional materials from a stall at the market, plus will be given a 5 minute slot to pitch their work and show footage in a 'virtual showcase scenario' (!).