Following on from the first CARD (Circus Arts Research Development) conference in 2010, which brought together some 50 participants from twelve countries for conversations, workshops and performances, the circus department at DOCH are now organising a second edition, CARD2 – Circus on the Edge, taking place 9-11 December 2015.
The purpose of the conference is to ‘create a meeting place for international researchers to introduce and share their research, to discuss, demonstrate and provoke, to agree and find collaborators, critical allies and opponents. Furthermore, to illuminate how circus practice has developed and how the field of artistic research differs from research for production.’
DOCH are currently inviting artists and researchers from around the world to present at the conference and share their innovative practices in circus arts in a format of their choosing – lecture or paper demonstration, workshop, performance, film, intervention, PechaKucha, or other suitable and supportable format.
The call is open for circus artists, thinkers and practitioners that are interested in aesthetics, ethics, groundbreaking practices, alternative disseminations, pedagogical implications, and discursive significations of the circus art. Proposals should also be related to one or more of the conferences themes, which centre around the notion of disruptive innovation – whether that be through the lens of choreographic/socio-political practices, or gendered or queer perspectives and aesthetics.
Costs related to room, board and transportation will be covered by the presenters themselves or their respective institutions. For more information on the conference and how to apply see here. The deadline for proposals is 1 March 2015.