Following the conclusion of their development scheme Hot House, Greentop have announced Circus North Incubator, a project to bring together circus artists and companies to produce a show with Greentop’s creative director. The scheme is recommended for 'those wanting to work with others to produce new work who don’t have an existing project', and is 'an opportunity to come together with other people to work on something as a group'.
For successful applicants Incubator offers two weeks of time and space to develop as a company, leading to a show to be performed at Greentop in spring 2014. If the participants then wish to take this further, Greentop will support them to develop as a company and support them in developing the show as a touring project.
The creation period for the first Incubator round will be 6-18 January 2014, and will take place at Greentop Circus in Sheffield.
To apply for Incubator e-mail to request an application form. The deadline for applications is 15 December 2013.