• An Overview of Circus and Street Arts in the UK and ROI (CASCAS)

    An Overview of Circus and Street Arts in the UK and ROI (CASCAS)

    CASCAS (Circus And Street Arts Come And See) was a European project to promote intercultural understanding and exchange. Between May 2010 and November 2011 it arranged four tours for four small groups of circus and street arts professionals in the project's partner countries (UK, Sweden, Finland and Belgium) as a way of introducing them to that country's conditions and working practices. As part of the project, four briefing documents were produced — short guides to the circus and street arts sectors in the partner countries that give a basic overview of government policy, key festivals and venues, example companies, etcetera.


    Government policies and budgets in the UK and ROI
    Circus and street arts companies and artists currently working in the UK and ROI
    Festivals programming circus and street arts
    Venues programming related work
    Tented circuses
    Creation supporting centres
    Advocacy agencies
    Case studies of five local artistic projects