As part of the European residency project Unpack the Arts, ten cultural journalists visited CIRCa Festival in Auch 31 October - 3 November 2012 to encounter (in some cases for the first time) the many faces of contemporary circus. Seeing five shows – CNAC's This is the end, Chabatz d'Entrar's Perchés, My!Laïka's Popcorn Machine, Cirque Ici / Johann Le Guillerm's Secret, and Circa's Wunderkammer – and interviewing the artists after their performances, the journalists then wrote the articles collected here – published in the original language and in English translation.
Ágnes Bakk, 'On circus time'
Anna Byś, 'Cyrkoteatr'
Despina Psalli, 'In the mind of Johann Le Guillerm: A detailed look at Secret'
Dominique Duthuit, 'Careful, School Crossing'
Gilles Kerdreux, 'The New Circus’ New Spectators'
Iva Nerina Sibila, 'The Aesthetics of Humiliation: Circa’s Wunderkammer'
Laurence Bertels, 'The last five minutes'
Marie Painon, 'Directors and performers: who does what? Looking for answers at the circus'
Masenjka Bacic, 'Some Titbits from Auch'
Tamás Jászay, 'Faces from the Manège'