Giffords Circus

Everything built with pride and care. Begun by Nell Gifford (née Stroud), an Oxford grad who abruptly switched career tracks to the circus (by working for several bigtops before resolving to start her own), Giffords tours the English Midlands with its own small tent and attached restaurant. They make family shows, not old-fashioned so much as honouring the finest aspects of traditional circus, with a nostalgic home-made aesthetic of warm, rich colours and handpainted wood. They love what they do.
Appearing like a faerie ring there's an exploded circle of hay on a small green in Tackley village, a Giffords Circus A-board materialised at the centre to advertise their latest production: War and Peace at the Circus.
The tent is an art object. A ceiling of translucent white fabric, sawdust in the ring, bales of hay, block and primary colours on the wooden walls, a red velvety curtain for backstage, check patterns and stripes.